10 stupid Indian Stereotypes that need immediate dispute!

[dropcap size=small]I[/dropcap]ndia has been a victim and a liberator but never a conqueror. Ever since India gained independence, it has been scrutinized and criticized for almost everything. The so called Golden Bird has lost its wings to scavengers and now those scavengers blame the bird for not flying. From being called as the country of rapists, place unsafe for women, cow worshippers, snake charmers, poor, uneducated, country only for Hindus, funny smelling and every stereotypical rubbish; India has raised against all the odds but is still looked down upon. It’s time we Indian gave a thought about our own country before completely hating it down right.


[button color=”red” size=”big” alignment=”center” rel=”nofollow” openin=”samewindow” ]1. Cow worshipping crap hole[/button]


Not everyone worships cow, in fact no one does Indians simply respect and adore cows . Even if we do worship cows, why anyone does has a problem with that? Does worshipping cows rage war or affects the economy? No, I say India deserves recognition for respecting at least one animal in a world where almost every animal is being captivated or being slaughtered.


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[button color=”blue” size=”big” alignment=”center” rel=”nofollow” openin=”samewindow” ]2. There’s only one god, but India has millions[/button]



Yes, we do because we aren’t obligated and answerable to only one god but thankful to almost everything, we find god in everything. There’s a god for rivers, for food, for books, for wisdom, for wealth, for knowledge, for power even for love and gods for every religion,  so yeah we do have millions of gods. Every living and non-living thing is viewed as sacred.

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[button color=”green” size=”big” alignment=”center” rel=”nofollow” openin=”samewindow” ]3. India is a hot country[/button]




The person who said that obviously isn’t aware of the phrase “Dilli ki sardi”. The climate ranges  from tropical in the south to temperate and alpine in the Himalayan north, where elevated regions receive sustained winter snowfall. Maharashtra and Goa and many ocean facing states have a moderate climate, whereas most of the country experiences a change of 4 seasons, enough said!

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[button color=”grey” size=”big” alignment=”center” rel=”nofollow” openin=”samewindow” ]4. Indians have snakes and elephant in their backyards[/button]


Snake charmers didn’t reach the moon, or build a Mars mission or became a Google and Microsoft CEO or discovered Algebraic abbreviations, Fibonacci numbers, Zero or created Ayurvedic medicines; the rest of the India did. Pity we are still dead bound to horrendous subjugations even after our achievements and contributions.

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[button color=”brown” size=”big” alignment=”center” rel=”nofollow” openin=”samewindow” ]5. Indian Cinema is all about Bollywood[/button]


India being the largest film producer in the world has still the reputation of bringing obnoxious dance numbers into their movies and the reputation is deserving. But apart from all the glitz, glamour, star power and all the unnecessary fuss that Bollywood practices, we also produce regional movies in almost all languages that India has (take that Hollywood!). We never won an Oscar, for which I blame the Indian film authority for submitting poor movie choices like Jeans over Satya and Barfi! over Gangs of Wasseypur. I’m still distressed and agitated over Barfi! and Gangs of Wasseypur would have reached the top 5 movies of Academy Awards foreign films list at least.


[alert type=white ]Also read, The Colors of Indian Cinema[/alert]

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[button color=”red” size=”big” alignment=”center” rel=”nofollow” openin=”samewindow” ]6. Indians live with their parents[/button]




For a country like USA, living with parents is a shame, I will never understand why. This stereotype is true and me and probably the rest of Indians take pride in that. Like the Godfather said “A man who doesn’t give time to his family isn’t a real man” and being there for your parents when they need you the most is the most human thing possible.

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[button color=”blue” size=”big” alignment=”center” rel=”nofollow” openin=”samewindow” ]7. India is only fair to Hindus[/button]



Most probably India is the only country where Muslims celebrate Holi and Diwali and Hindus celebrate Eid. For a country mostly driven by Hindus, we’ve had a Muslim president, where a Catholic women leaves the Prime Minister seat for a Sikh and that Sikh takes the Prime minister oath from a Muslim president to govern a nation that is 80% Hindu. Most of the religious laws have a place in the constitution without question. Yes we’ve had our ups and downs about religion but now we are stronger than ever.

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[button color=”green” size=”big” alignment=”center” rel=”nofollow” openin=”samewindow” ]8. Indians only play cricket[/button]


Tell that to Viswanathan Anand, Leander Paes, Saina Nehwal, Bhaichung Bhutia, Sania Mirza, Mahesh Bhupati, Narain Karthikeyan and all the sportspersons who won medals in Olympics and Commonwealth.

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[button color=”grey” size=”big” alignment=”center” rel=”nofollow” openin=”samewindow” ]9. Indians have stupid accent and they wobble their heads[/button]



As advertised by Indian ahem Canadian stand-up comedian Russel Peters and many other journalists, this stereotype won’t go away anytime soon. To all the English, French, Mexicans, South Africans, other Asians and other nations who don’t speak Hindi, I challenge you to speak Hindi without making the Indians laugh their asses off. For people who have a Hindi mother tongue, Indians do speak badass English, this video is a proof.


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[button color=”brown” size=”big” alignment=”center” rel=”nofollow” openin=”samewindow” ]10. Most important of all, India is a country of Rapists[/button]


This is the most obnoxious and oblivious stereotype. I get it the 2012 Delhi Rape case brought up a terrible face of India and brought us to shame. But do yourself a favor and do some brain storming about articles or news before the dreadful Delhi case and check whether India was a country of rapists at that time. Only thing that happened was a terrible and heinous crime occurred in the capital which was necessarily hyped by the media and yes that incident deserves the hype but ever since that case, India suddenly became a part of top 10 countries with the most rapes, a country not safe for women, dogs are better than Indian men and what not. Ever since we and the rest of the world are bombarded with every rape news those news channels can find and India graduated to rape capital in front of the world. I’m not saying rape isn’t a problem in India, it’s a major issue that needs strict and immediate dealing with. India doesn’t deserve the most safe or most unsafe place for women title but still there are far worse country where women are less safe.


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[alert type=white ]We have our pitfalls and  moments of  glory, it’s time we cherished all of our failures and successes and build a better nation from now on and prevent another Indian Stereotypes from ever being made, INDIAN AND PROUD![/alert]

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