depression gawkingeeks

How to counter depression?

[alert type=white ]If you are going through hell.. keep going[/alert]

We all have to face our demons, we all have good and bad times  in our life. Between rage and serenity there’s a point where we all lie. We laugh at the face of despair and conquer our goals or at least survive. But every now and then desolation and despair grabs hold of our lives and bend ourselves towards rage and recklessness. It makes us feel about our lives as worthless and preferable to end. Sooner or later it’s coming for us, it’s inevitable, question is are we ready for it?
Let’s talk out about depression, shall we?


Persistent sadness 

Low mood, loss of interest in day to activities even loss of interest in activities you like the most.

Difficulty in concentration

Causing lower performance, lower appreciation, higher criticism hence forth causing more depression.

Exhaustion or fatigue

Any at all negligence for health and fitness will bring you severe mental problems, which will bring you more physical adversities.


A feeling of ‘nothing matters anymore’ is a direct indication of depression. If you have this feeling you need help don’t ignore it.


Giving up way too easily without giving another shot is a road  to trouble.

Disoriented sleep or insomnia

Changes in sleeping patterns like, difficulty in getting off to sleep, or waking up early without being able to get back to sleep, or sleeping too much.

Eating disorders

Poor appetite with weight loss or the reverse comfort eating with weight gain .

It’s always wrong to claim causes of depression but here are some factors that triggers depression like person’s genome, their biochemical nature, personal life experience and psychological events, tragedies, If you have at least 5 of the above symptoms you are suffering from depression.

Here are some guidelines to help you go through or counter depression

Set your goals and stand by it

gawk aim


Depression can rip off the pillars from your foundation. Setting goals, avoiding distraction (mostly pleasures and negativity) can build something solid for your life that can be so strong, that even the most tragic and overwhelming events wont be able to snatch it away from you .

Get a Routine 

To accomplish your goals you need to have a routine, a routine saves you from all the fuss about your extremity and proximity . Try your best to stand by these routine, you need a structure after all.Deciding a track and keeping it will bring nothing but perfection in your life.

Get a life

gawk sucks

Be around people, if not be around things you like the most. There’s nothing more comforting than family and friends .Write a poem , click a pic anything that soothes you. Any of these habits will bring patience and stability in your mind, hence keeping all the depressors at bay.


gawk workout

Love your body and the body will love you back. Hit the gym, beef up those abs and biceps, run like Forrest Gump, it will bring all the hormonal and other chemical balance in your body, healthy body makes a healthy mind .

Eat right

Avoid smoking and consumption of alcohol, eat limited but satisfying, fruits are the best there’s no ingredient to deal with depression all though chocolate is claimed to rejoice the mood.You are as happy as your tummy , Amitabh Bacchan rightly said gawk amit

Find spirit

gawk spirit

If not in yourself find faith and spirit in others. Remember anyone or anything you have faith in like parents, gods, passion, love, nature or even meditation, it will surely pass you through the bump in the road .

Do something you love or sleep it off

It’s not an advice , it’s a prescription . Write a poem, listen to songs, watch a movie, draw a masterpiece anything that your heart desires.If any of those doesn’t work , try to fall asleep , you can’t be depressed when you are unconscious now can you ? Even after you wake you will experience a little fall in your misery.

Challenge or avoid negativity 

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You’re the man. Instead of saying ‘why me’ say  ‘try me’. Don’t let anyone including yourself make you feel bad about yourself, the best way is praise the man in the mirror, console him, persuade him the rest will take it’s appropriate course.

If all hopes seems lost consult a professional

If your misery is beyond curing and you are looking for easy and painless ways to kill yourself then consult a psychiatrist. Give him a chance, things will turn out for the better and try not to rely on drugs regularly, no professional will ask you to do so.

[highlight color=#ee4400 ]The only path that doesn’t has any bumps is the void. Life is lifeless without struggle and uprising and you only live once. Always remember nothing is permanent but change, if good times have past so will the bad times all you gotta have to do is hang in their and have faith cause[/highlight]

[alert type=blue ]Faith can move mountains [/alert]