Einstein’s nightmare of quantum spookiness is verified by a new experiment

[dropcap size=small]S[/dropcap]pooky behavior of quantum mechanics has always been enigmatic for the physicists. Even Albert Einstein fell victim of its estoricness. He never believed in weird implications of quantum mechanics. [highlight ]But now nearly after a century of his protests, scientists have proven quantum entanglement which Einstein famously described as “Spooky action at a distance”.[/highlight]

Quantum entanglement is a phenomenon so strange and fascinating that it makes us doubt our beliefs of well known laws that govern the universe. Obviously it is really hard to believe that some events happening on earth can directly affect any other event on moon without any means of communication in between.

Until now, entanglement was a theoretical prediction from the equations of quantum mechanics which states that two particles can become entangled if they are brought close enough that their properties become linked and even if these particles are separated by infinite distance, they remain linked and behavior of one particle can directly affect the behavior of the other.


Prof. Howard M. Wiseman


An experiment devised by Griffith University and University of Tokyo proves the weird phenomenon of entanglement which was never harmonized with classical physics. [highlight ]The team split up a photon into two halves and transmitted them to two separate labs. When these particles were analysed, they observed that particles existed in a superposition state but they never showed same spin or state in both labs at the same time.[/highlight] This experiment might be a bit difficult to understand at the first place but what matters is its applications and the different doors of innovations it has opened.



This phenomenon can be applied to the next generation of quantum information processing systems, one of which includes qbits which is a unit to store information in Quantum computers. [highlight ]Since quantum entanglement is viewed as an instant communication phenomenon which is faster than the speed of light, it can find an application in faster communication systems and most fantasized transportation system called Teleportation.[/highlight]


To know more about the applications of quantum mechanics read:

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