gawkinggeeks got sex

Who had sex with whom in Game of Thrones?


“Some people don’t watch porn, they watch Game Of Thrones” – Anonymous

Only blessed people started watching Game of Thrones in the year 2011, rest started it for the “educational scenes” the show posses. Then grew the fan base that corrupted audiences hearts. I remember back in 2014 I joined my college hostel and I only found only 2-3 people who watched Game of Thrones. We became instant buddies (Yes, the martha effect). I used to roam around asking everyone they if they have watched Game Of Thrones. They didn’t even knew about it. I asked them, convinced them, even forced them to watch it. Voila! Now 95% of them are now an “addict”. Why I am telling you this? Because that was the time when GOT took the world by storm, everyone was watching it and it had the biggest user-base that time.

Now this post is for all those fans out there, but specially for those who started watching it for “educational purposes” only 😛 YKWIM.

[alert type=red ]Warning : Sex Spoilers[/alert]


gawkinggeeks got sex


[button color=”white” size=”big” alignment=”none” rel=”nofollow” openin=”samewindow” url=””]Credits : Cool Material[/button]


The Infographic being old lack few new developments like Daario Naharis and Dany, Sansa and Ramsey etc but we didn’t design it, did we?