Google Aims for Diabetes free world

diabetes gawkingeeks

[dropcap size=small]G[/dropcap]oogle’s Life Sciences division has decided to fixate all of their potential on their first enormous mission that is to grow better approaches to treat and oversee Diabetes. Google has always put its efforts to do something different from the league and make this world a better place to live in. Google Life Sciences division is following this basic principle and trying to do things different from others.

Google has teamed up with world’s one of the most renowned pharmaceutical organizations, French pharmaceutical goliath Sanofi for achieving the goal of a Diabetes free world.

Diabetes is no doubt a lethal disease especially for Type 1 diabetics as their world revolves around blood sugar tests and insulin injections. Google’s new project will be a life-savior for all those diabetics who are merely surviving in the world of blood and pain and it will not be the first time that efforts are being made to combat diabetes, it has already developed a contact lens for keeping blood glucose levels under check. Google has also inked a deal with Dexcom, a medical equipment company for manufacturing an affordable glucose monitoring device.


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If Google is able to achieve what it is aiming for, then it will one of the major breakthroughs in the field of Medical Science, as quoted by executive director of the San Francisco Bay Area Chapter at the American Diabetes Association, Michael Chae:


“There’s a whole lot of innovation at once.”


Google can also make a huge profit as number of diabetics is going up and [highlight ]in USA alone, total money being spent on managing diabetes was around $245 billion[/highlight] and the figure will be be much bigger if the diabetics all around the world are taken into consideration.

Google’s new project will take many years to take its final shape and to reach the patients and combating diabetes is just the start as in the near future [highlight ]Google claims it has detailed strategy for tackling other deadly diseases such as Cancer, Cardio problems, Neuro-degenerative conditions and a few others.[/highlight]

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