How to add or Publish a website to Google News?

publish website on google news

Now that you have decided to learn about Google News, I assume that you must be knowing the importance of the traffic Google News gathers for your publication. Google News works as a catalyst for your website’s popularity if you post unique and informative content regularly. Look at the screenshot below to understand the impact of Google News. This will motivate you even further to Publish the website or say go on with the site submission on Google News.

These results are of 2 days, the website is a month old and Google News stands on the 5th position of top referrals.

Now that we have validated the importance of Google News, let’s move on with the google news site submission.

New Update of Google News

According to the new update, you don’t require to add a site to Google News as Google will pick it up automatically if your content is relevant.

It may sound relieving but it’s not, because your chances of getting recognized as a publication become grim and also doesn’t offer the correct categorization of your website most of the time.

To fast track the process you still need to go through google news site submission if you are looking to come out as a traffic rich publication.

Publish Site in Google News

It’s a simple but a bit lengthy process, we would recommend keeping this stuff handy before starting to pace up the process:

Let’s start

Go to Google News Publisher Center and use the same Gmail account in Google News, Google Search Console and Google Analytics

Once you are there, Enter your domain and click “Save”

Once you are there, fill all the information and follow our guidelines for better optimization.

Select the information below or you may decide according to your preference

The Final Frontier

Now you need to review everything on the last tab to find out if everything you did was accurate or not.

Once you verify this, follow the instructions to accept the terms and conditions of the Google News after submitting some basic information.

The Biggest Troubleshooting

Once you are on the last tab, you will see something like this:

After all these efforts to Publish Website on Google News, there won’t be any concern left and you will witness this happy screen


Google News works well to help you increase the traffic, and subsequently the clicks on your website. These activities will help you gain the money and the fame you always desired. Go on with these steps, and wait for some days to let the shower of clicks begin.

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