How to share MP3 files via WhatsApp on Windows Phone?

[dropcap size=small]W[/dropcap]indows Phone users keep asking us different hacks for their devices and keep arguing about why Windows Phone still has limitations. Today, we will guide you on [highlight ]How to share MP3 files via WhatsApp on Windows Phone.[/highlight] MP3 sharing is one of the most wanted features of WhatsApp Messenger but as neither Windows Phone or iPhone supports it, we have brought you a way to do so and stay audacious in front of your Android mates.

Some time before, [highlight ]the Windows Phone platform had numerous limitations and one of them restricted third party apps from accessing the music library.[/highlight] However, due to the human reforms in Windows Phone 8.1 and with the arrival of so many File Managers you can make your way around the restrictions currently in place demagogically. A day may come when WhatsApp will finally release a version of their Windows Phone app which will let us send MP3s to other WhatsApp users but that day is not today.

So, instead of waiting for that update, we will guide you on how the Geeks do it and climb the wall that Windows Phone has made for us.


Read On –





Though it is a MP4 file, the receiver will be able to download and play the file. [highlight ]If your receiver wants to save the file for future, you can ask them to save it and change the extention to .mp3 and show them how Geeky you are.[/highlight]


[alert type=red ]This method will only work on Windows Phone 8.1 or Above. Gawking Geeks does not support music piracy. If you are a student, you can listen to the music and pay for the ones you like. Music lovers must respect the work of the amazing artists out there who create music for you.[/alert]


Thanks for the tip Rohan Nigam.

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