Scientists send Messages using Vinegar and Glass Cleaner

The idea of sending messages using vinegar, glass cleaner and other household chemicals might seem to be a part of   Sci-Fi , but the team of scientists at Stanford University have devised a method to make it possible.

Researcher Nariman Farsad is the one who started working on this project and for the very first he used vodka for sending messages. Traditionally binary code (0s and 1s) was used to send messages but now scientists are replacing binary code with household chemicals like vinegar and windows cleaner. They are going to use pulses of an acid (vinegar) and pulses of base (Glass cleaner) to replace binary code.


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Firstly user needs to input the text in the computer system which further sends commands to a pump where bits are generated with the help of chemicals (acid and base). Now the chemicals are sent to container via plastic tubes and a pH sensor has been attached with container which records pH changes. recordings of the pH sensor are transferred to another system where data is decoded and original message is received.


[button color=”green” size=”normal” alignment=”none” rel=”follow” openin=”samewindow” ]Why Vinegar and Glass Cleaner were chosen ?[/button]

Reason for choosing vinegar and glass cleaner were quite straightforward :


[button color=”red” size=”normal” alignment=”none” rel=”follow” openin=”samewindow” ]Roadblock in the path ?[/button]

They have carried out transmission process quite satisfactorily but at the receiving end there is too much noise as there are chemicals left out in the tubes after whole process, so isolating noise from the signal is problem that researchers needs to deal with.

Chemical Communication might be the Future 

If scientists are put this technology in practical use then it might change the way we communicate, because most of the communication systems now-a-days make use of binary code and if we replace zeros and ones with something more efficient , then it’s definitely gonna change the world for good. Chemical communication has tremendous potential as few were discussed by Researchers :

Source : Stanford News






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