[dropcap size=small]L[/dropcap]egal definition of death often encounters controversies between moral and ethical values. A person is said to be legally...
[alert type=red ]Warning: Reading this could be dicey to your productivity. The Web sites within may detract you from the humdrum tasks in need of your attention and may induce you to goof off for hours instead.[/alert] [alert type=blue ]Are you bored with your daily lifeless work or your...
[dropcap size=small]A[/dropcap]ccording to the leading astronomers’ comet 67P/ Churyumov–Gerasimenko on which the spacecraft Philae landed could be a host to...
[dropcap size=small]I[/dropcap]n past few decades, the need for faster and cheaper transportation systems has exponentially increased. Popular saying “Time is...
[dropcap size=small]O[/dropcap]ne does not become a leader overnight, it is an incessant process of learning; learning from own mistakes and learning from others’ mistakes. Purpose of learning might vary for person to person; for few it might be for glory, for others it might be for fortune and something else for the rest...