What is Net Neutrality: An Internet Salvation

[dropcap size=small]I[/dropcap]magine yourself paying 100 or so bucks for Facebook or Whatsapp or whatever Internet services your heart desires, sucks doesn’t it ? Well that’s what the telecommunication operators of India have been trying to do and might even succeed at unless we stop them .

The TRAI (Telecom Regulatory Authority of India) might just allow the the famous Internet providers the right to extort money out of helpless customers and entrepreneurs with costly internet services, henceforth preventing innovation, easy one touch access to knowledge and freedom of speech at least.t

The only reason why the telecom operators might have a crack at this money grubbing scheme is because our screwed up constitution doesn’t have enough (if not at all) rules and amendments against it .TRAI introduced a formal consultation for Regulatory Framework for Over-the-top (OTT) services on 27th March, anticipating reviews from the public. This paper was castigated instantly for being discriminatory and having statements that aren’t comprehensive. It was bestowed with immediate denouncement  from various politicians and Indian internet users. By 18 April 2015, over 800,000 emails had been sent to TRAI demanding net neutrality.


To act against this cruel agenda few things should be duly noted.

What is Net Neutrality


Net Neutrality is a concept solely related with equality. It means all the data should be equally treated by the internet providers and the government without charging differential charges or discriminating the data in the context of size, platform, content, application, type of attached utility, or communication modes.Once you have the internet connection you have the absolute right to access any and every data present on the internet, also no matter what internet provider you have you are obligated to access any and every site with the exact same speed.df

Net neutrality violation agenda

The suspected not confirmed companies like Vodafone, Airtel, and Reliance communications have found a loop hole in the constitution and might just turn up against the customers to make them pay more and extradite extra revenue over the farce of special data packages, they will eventually block apps which are very highly used by the consumers and charge heavy for the apps access. A simple example , like you pay for the channels of your set top box. That’s not it , they will also charge for a greater transfer rate , say if you want to use Facebook for a week for say 50 bucks you can have a higher transfer rate if you pay 80 bucks. These agenda are the clear violations of Net Neutrality opposed by many but still proceeding at large

Why Net neutrality violation might become successful

1. Not enough laws to prevent violation.

2.The customers are helpless , aren’t we always in the desperate need of Facebook , whatsapp and wikipedia? We’ll be compelled to use these sites because we are incapable of parting ways with such habitual utilities, the telecoms know it .

3. It all comes to money- The telecoms are basically pissed, all they want is a crack at all the shit load of money the famous websites  earn using their services as a medium, all the money the telecoms get is from data usage but not from carriage and bandwidth . I’d say they made the apps actually so technically they deserve all the money, telecoms should only charge  over their services only which is supplying the data from the World Wide Web.

The Aftermath

[videogallery video1=”youtube” url1=”vxaFnc-MoVE” image1=”http://media2.intoday.in/indiatoday/images/stories//2015April/internet-story_650_041215045619.jpg” caption1=”” video2=”youtube” url2=”” image2=”” caption2=”” ]

1. Independent ideas and entrepreneurship will extinct.
2.The disability to browse ‘everything’ that is out there on the internet.
3.Light or empty pockets, our expenses will be sky high because we’ll be too busy purchasing lousy internet packs.
4.Ability to reach out and reach in will be demolished, everything that we suppose to be viral won’t be.
5.Bye-bye academics advantage.
6. If you are a part of website start up congratulation, you can think of something else cause your  dream of viral website won’t stand a chance.

I mean what the world has come up to these provider clearly don’t understand the phrase that the world wide web is not a five star luxury, but they do understand how to make money out of customers desperation and over the corpse of innovations and creativity.

For the love of Internet:The least we can do to save the internet from this massacre.


[highlight color=#ee8262 ]Spread the word- No one can act against it if they don’t know about it.*[/highlight].

[highlight color=#ee8262 ]Log on to http://www.savetheinternet.in/ and you’ll be clicks away to oppose the net neutrality violations by sending an e-mail to the government  .[/highlight]

hmm                                 kkk

[alert type=blue ]Hurry up we need to raise  enough questions to prevent this catastrophe and SAVE THE INTERNET[/alert]

The Battle Cry

More than 60 start up websites have mailed open letters to the prime minister pleading him to prevent the launch of OTT and help the youth of India to develop the next big thing like Flipkart, Amazon, Facebook and even Google. There are more than a billion people who aren’t aware of the advantages and existence of the Internet to make them aware of such a boon equality for all the data is most and also free internet, but that’s such an ideal situation. Equality in bandwidth is also must cause each and every information needs to be reached everywhere, even at the remotest remote places.

[alert type=blue ]If you guys have a dream to run your own business , like selling products , mass communication on which you might completely depend upon the Internet, don’t let your dreams be squandered by this gluttony. Fight back ![/alert]